Scarlett Apps Apps

Vector Calculator
Scarlett Apps
Vector Math is an easy to use symbolic vector calculator forperforming operations in Cartesian coordinates. Unlike othercalculators, this one can handle variables as well as numbers andallows you to chain multiple functions together. For example, ifyou input "grad(xyz)" into the calculator then it will output"{z*y,z*x,y*x}", and if you input "curl({sin(x),sin(x),xy})" thenit will output "{x,-y,cos(x)}". This allows you to obtain theanalytical solution to a vector function and quickly performcomplex operations with your phone without requiring complicatedcomputer software or deriving everything by hand.Vector Math has built-in support for differentiation andintegration and provides all of the standard trigonometric andexponential functions associated with a scientific calculator.To create a vector, simply press the "( {" button, input eachentry of the vector separated by commas, then press the ") }"button at the end.Vector Math allows the substitution of numerical values forvariables and constants by using the equals sign (ex. "x=4") thenevaluating the function as you would normally. To undefine avariable or constant, set the variable to be equal to itself (ex."x=x") and reevaluate the function.The following vector operations are supported:*Angle*Curl*Distance*Divergence*Dot product*Cross product*Gradient*Magnitude*Orthonormal basis*Projection*Slope*Unit vectorThis calculator is still in beta mode and I am working toimprove the user interface, but if you have any questions then youcan read the help page or email me.